About Us

About Lionsmaneseamoss

As practitioners of health & wellness for over 30 years, we consider the entire health of our human experience, physical, mental, spiritual, & emotional (social). With focus on physical well-being, we have been blessed with the mission of sharing the goodness with the world that is shared with us.

Lionsmaneseamoss is Mother Earth's gift to us. Like manna from heaven, was a gift from the Father, Seamoss is our current gift from the Mother.

From the most energized coast along Seven Seas of our planet to the 7.7ozs of goodness (goddessness), our aim is to deliver the Love of The Mother to you & your family as it was intended by Her. Pure, Precious, & Prosperous ...

Heru Ankh Aten Ra

Our Story

Offering lifestyle wellness practice & products has been a passion of mine since I was a "lik'le yooth"(young man child) growing up with Caribbean roots & ancestry in an urban environment (Brooklyn, NY). I never took for granted the treatments & care given me by my Mothers, Grandmothers, Great Grandmother, Aunties & auntie cousins.

The nurturing, natural process' of leaves & herbs, teas & healing salves was never in short supply as my cousins & I would grow thru common colds & sniffle treatments to broken bones & respiratory bronchial treatments. I learned to trust in the healing modalities of the herb cabinet, the brown paper, and the chest rubs early. Never forsaking the medical doctors to treat my asthma during a time before the development of breathing machines & inhalers, I often spent long nights in St. Mary's Hospital hooked up to an IV to receive medicine to help me breathe again.

After a teenage mele where I suffered many injuries, I was convinced all I needed was my Grandmother's care & I would be fine. Such is the case today. I feel Blessed to share with you the Love received for generations, not just thru genetics but thru practice.

I remember learning about a promise to Abraham/Ibrahim that because of his Faith & Belief, not just him, but all of his children would be Blessed for generations to come. Children was later defined as those that accepted the promise. You mean in order to be saved/ healed you just needed to accept thru faith (&of course do the work).

These lyfestyle Philosophies pre-sent the foundations that were able to create LionsManeSeaMoss into a brand that is continually committed to delivering you nature's Greatness at the highest level. We thank you for sharing in ourstory (history/herstory) & future of wellness & wellbeing amongst our global community. Our human genetics are all tied to one another 99%. The points describe the inherent beauty throughout the mosaic that we each bring to this collective [human] body of work wonderfully.

Sea u on a cell-u-lar level family.

Feel free to add your story of your journey as we continue to write into the future, a story our children will be proud of ...

Her Story

I've been dealing with herbs and a more Holistic approach for the past 25 years.

I would exercise and eat rather healthy over the years. I would always find home remedies and that includes sea moss. I would purchase it in the gel form and make smoothies for my family.

In 2021, I made a conscious decision to change what my family would eat all together and pay more attention to what I put in my body. In this decision of my life change I met my accountability partner Heru.


I can see how the universe (God) place people in your life to help and build you and that's exactly what has happened. I do still have challenges and I'm learning to be patient with myself. You know the saying "Old habits are hard to break." I know now with patience it's possible.

Our Family is Your Family

Meet the team

The Lionsmaneseamoss Family is essential to the heart of our organization. Our brilliant team members bring their unique essence to each package of our healing seamoss.

Danielle Frett
Danielle Frett

Goddess of Operations

Heru Ankh Aten Ra
Heru Ankh Aten Ra

Marketing & Sales

Samuel Frett


Sherese P.
Sherese P.

Director of Art & Design

Nefertari Marquis

Packaging & Distribution

Heru Ankh Aten Ra
Rukiatu Levi 

Packaging and distribution

Kushman Barfield
Kushman Barfield

Distribution & Sales

Khadijah Brown
Khadijah Brown

Creative Marketing Director

Lamont Edney
Lamont Edney

Creative Sales Consultant


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9393 N. 90th St Suite 102-680

Phoenix, AZ, 85258, US

Phone: 917-620-3743

Email: lionsmaneseamoss@gmail.com